Enhancing Students’ Speaking Skill by Using Youtube Video
English language is an important thing to learn. in this era where technology is developing very fast, the used of digital platforms as a media for students’ learning process are believed to improve student’s skill In learning language. It’s been three years since the massive spread of the Coronavirus started in across the world, has forced us to see the fact that the world is changing. We can see how technological, economic, and political changes and education in the midst of a crisis due to Covid19. Change requires us to be ready, adapt to those sudden changes, and always learn new things. in education, the changes are seen in a daily learning process from face-to-face learning to online learning. Nowadays, learning process can use media platforms such as youtube, whatsapp, etc. and it believed utilizing media can improve students' speaking skill.
Enhancing students' speaking skill by using youtube video is an article write by Novie Ariyanto, Dewi Rochsantiningsih, Handoko Pudjobroto. The objective of this article is to report a study on how YouTube video is implemented so it can improve students’ speaking proficiency. the article were focus on how youtube impact students' speaking skill. The study was collaboration classroom action research. The subject of the research was seventh grade students of one state junior high school in Surakarta in the academic year 2012/2013. The data were collected through interview, questionnaire, pre-test, photograph, and post-test. The findings of the research show that when YouTube video was used effectively, it enhanced students’ speaking skill, and classroom climate.
In conclusion, the use of media for learning process is successfully helpful for students. in fact, not only youtube which can increase students speaking skill, i believe another media such as whatsapp, duolingo, edmodo, etc. also can improve students' speaking skill. The world situation has changed, the way how to educate also improve so the goal of education still can be reach with new ways.
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