Review Journal



Utilizing Youtube application in enhancing listening skills for students of junior high school level


    English language is an international language which it used to communicate with other people around the world. In this globalization eras, mastering English language has become priority for everyone. It is because English language plays a big role in everybody’s life. There are four skills that has to be mastered in order to mastering English language, the four skills are Listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Listening itself is important in learning English language, poor listening skills can lead into miscommunication it is because of lack understanding of what other people are said. Listening does not give passive attention to what is being said but more than that, it required to be active to get the meaning from the language. Furthermore, A good listener not only should have a good auditory but also have the ability to interpret the message, and do repetition to ensure the message given.

    Utilizing Youtube application in enhancing listening skill for students of junior high school level is an article writen by Isma Humaeroh, Nur Azmi Rohimajaya, Rizdki Elang Gumelar. this article is explaing about how to use youtube application to enhance listening skills in junior high school students. the pre-test post-test experimental and pre-test post-test methods are used in this research. A total of 120 junior high school students in Kemayoran, Jakarta were included in the study, with a research sample of 25 students composed of 12 students from class VII A (the control class) and 13 students from class VII B (the experimental class). A random sampling technique is used to chose samples. A multiple choice test was used in this study to collect data in form of students scores. The data was then examined using descriptive statistics and pired simple t-test statistical analysis in SPSS (t-test). The avarage pre-test experimental group listening skills score was 66.54, while the avarage post-test experimental group listening skill score was 83.08. The avarage pre-test listening skill score for the control group was 39.17, while the avarage post-test listening skill score was 56.25. The hypothesis was tested using the t-test, specifically the paired simple t-test, which showed that the significant value (2-tailed) is 0.000 0.05, indicating a significant change. according to the finding of the study, there is a significant difference in listening skills between students who use youtube media in class and students who do not use media in class

    In conclusion, as what have been mention from the article above. the use of youtube media as learning method is believed can improve students' listening skill. However, from my perspective this teaching technique is one of the innovation in education. i personally believe the us of site and media social can bring positive impact to the students' learning process as long as the implementation was right and targeted and suit with the goal of education.


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