Reading Task 003-004
Name : Rifki Sepyan Habib
NPM : 1910631060191
Class : 3 F
Before you read
Look at the people in the pictures on the opposite page.Who do you think said each statement?Write Delana (D) or Ember (E)
1. I don't like my name.I wish I could change it (D)
2. I like my name.I think it's pretty (E)
3. like my name
now.But as kid,it bothered me because it was unusual (D)
4. I like my name.It's different (E)
5. I'm not sure I like my name.(E)
6. I don't like my name.Other kids make fun of it (D)
After you read
A.Write the number of the paragraph that each statement describes
a. 3rd Paragraph
B.Find the word in italic in the reading.Then match each word with its meaning
1. F stick (Par. 1)2. D come to terms (Par. 1)3. C change of heart (Par. 2)4. B subside (Par. 2)5. G favorable (Par. 2)6. A core (Par. 3)7. E tease (Par. 4)
the question
1. If my child is a boy, his name would be Danika Arya Saskara. and if it's a girl i will give her the name Danila Imelda Vanda. there is no spesific reason i just really love that name bacause i think it's baeutiful name
2. For male : Danika, Delfano, Claudio
For female : Danila, Deandra, Aeril
3. I really love my name that my parents gave me, i'm not gonna change my name even if i can.
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