Traditional Children's Games

Name : Rifki Sepyan Habib

NPM : 1910631060191

Class :  3 F



 Beradu Ketangkasan Permainan Egrang di Era Milenial 

Egrang is a long bamboo stick with footing for the people to ride it. Its first known origins are from Jakarta, from which it is popularized. ‘Egrang‘ itself means sharp bamboo with footing in Lampung language. As this is an exhausting game, many consider this to be a sport rather than just a game. It was a very popular game back in the 1900s, but now it is usually found during independence day.

To play this game, a participants will only lose if they fall to the ground after executing a series of movements. At first step, falling after standing counts as losing. However as the difficulty progresses, players will be asked to do more difficult tasks like moving to the left and right, forwards and backwards, jumping, jumping in a circle and jumping using only one egrang.



Congklak is known by different names from region to region. The most common name, Congklak, is taken from the cowrie shell, which is commonly used to \play the game. In Malaysia, the game is known as congkak, a name that is used in many Sumatran provinces as well. In Java, the game is known as Congklak, dakon, dhakon or dhakonan.  
The game begins with seven game pieces (shells, marbles, pebbles or seeds) in each hole except "homes" which remain empty. Congkak requires two players. Each player controls the seven holes on his side of the board and owns the "home" to his left. The goal is to accumulate as many pieces in your own "home". 
On a turn, a player removes all pieces from one of the seven holes on his side. He then distributes them clockwise - one in each hole to the left of this hole - in a process called sowing. Sowing skips an opponent's "home" but not a player's own "home".
If the last piece falls into an occupied hole then all the pieces are removed from that hole, and are sown in the same way (clockwise from that hole) in another round. This player's (current) turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on the opponent's side.
The other player chooses which hole he wishes to start from, removes the pieces and sows them - one in each hole, clockwise from that chosen hole. If a player has no pieces on his side of the board when it is his turn, then he must pass.
The game ends when no pieces are left in any hole on both sides of the board. The players now count the number of pieces in their own "home" and see who has won.


My opinion:
There are a lot of traditional games in  Indonesia. congklak and egrang are one of them, and it also can be played by both boy and girl. each game has its own adventages. playing congklak can increase our intelligence, because basically to win this game we need a lot of strategy. unlike congklak, the main factor to playing egrang is physical ability.
unfortunately, nowdays traditional games are rarely be played because today's young people prefer to play on smartphone games rather than playing outside with friends.




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