Resume Webinar on TEYL 2020
Name : Rifki Sepyan Habib
Class : 3 F
NPM : 1910631060191
Resume Webinar on TEYL 2020
Effective English Teacher for Young Learners during the Pandemic: Critical Issues
From Traditional to Digital : Quality Instructions and Materials Preparation for Online English Instructions for Distance Learners By : Asst. Prof. Rolando P. Quinones, Jr.
- The Usual Issues in Online Instructions in the Philippines
1. Connectivity Issues
2. Weak signal for mobile connection
3. Insufficient data
4. Paid subscription for online academic platforms are off and on too
5. Failure to adjust to online mode of learning and/or instructions
6. Mismatch of learner's learning style to the online mode
- How to Instruction in The Midst of The Pandemic
1. We need to ensure that we are still able to deliver quality instructions with the help of technology.
2. Technology used will be maximized wit considerations to the capacities and limitations of the situation most especially, of the students and the teacher.
3. Run a quick survey or conduct an informal interview (online) to have an audit of the students’ capacity to connect online.
4. The survey may also be used for knowing the learners’ preferred online activities in learning English.
- Sudden Shift and Visible Differences
1. Before: Students has to go to school and prepare their pen and paper for exams.
2. After: Students need to go online and prepare their phone or laptop to online learning.
- Hybrid Online Learning
1. Synchronous Learning: Activities that happen in real-time, usually via video conferencing (live class, consultation period, weekly synthesis, quarterly assessment.
2. Asynchronous Learning: online learning activities that student can do on their own and at heir own pace, within a reasonable time frame (google classroom, printed textbook, Koobits, MathScore, SciLearn, and extracurricular activities.
2. English Language Teacher Education Amidst The COVID 19 PANDEMIC Malaysian Experience by Fatiha Senom (Ph.D)
PART 1: The experience
Online Teaching & Learning Design:
• Student Learning Time
Online Teaching & Learning Delivery:
• Synchronous teaching & learning
• Asynchronous learning
• Students’ Attendance
Online Teaching & Learning Assessment:
Formative Assessment & Summative Assessment
•Online Assessment Platform
•Reliability & Validity of Alternatives Assessment
•Plagiarism /cheating
•Special Considerations
3. Synchronous EYL Instructions: Scheming from Minute One Thirty of Jolly Activities by Rina Wahyu Setyaningum, M. Ed and M. Reza Pahlevi, M.Pd as a Moderator.
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