Review Journal

 Rifki Sepyan Habib



English Pronunciation Error by Sundanese Speakers

    Pronunciation skill is of the important skill in speaking. Many EFL student had difficulties to mastering this skill, especially for a students with local language as their mother tongue. There's a journal specifically discuss about this topic. the title is English Pronunciation error by Sundanese speakers (Dwi Warry Octaviana. 2019). The journal discuss about how student with sundanese as their mother tongue faced a difficulty to mastering English pronunciation correctly. the aim of the journal is to finding out the main factors that cause the students’ English pronunciation errors and identifying the types of the students’ English pronunciation errors. the journal used 10 student as their sample to collect the data. the journal find that the main factors that caused the students’ English pronunciation errors were coming from internal factors (lack of practice, lack of self-confidence, and lack of exposure) and from the external factors (the differences in pronunciation between the students’ first language and their target language (English) and the differences between what the correct pronunciation that should be pronounced and its writing actually). After the investigation, the types of English pronunciation errors made by the students in vowels sound were: long and short vowels, diphthongs, and triphthongs. It was caused by the inability to hear certain English sounds that the students’ native language does not contain.

     If we talk about speaking, then the goal is to communicate. so, it is just my wild thought, why when the student pronounce a words using their mother tongue spelling sounds, it called a mistake?. if we put the same logic for example - there were some people speaking in english but they used their mother language spelling sounds when pronunce a word in english. instead of saying they pronunce a words wrong, we just assume it as an accent. then in this case, it mean we can also assume it as an accent when indonesian people speaking in english using their mother tongue spelling sound. if the person or someone who we talked to understand what were saying whether they use their mother tongue spealiing sound or no. then the communications' goal is reached.



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Review Journal